Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sh*t I'm getting rid of

This week I was broke (nothing new there...) so I decided to put some stuff on Craigslist.  Huge gigantic failure for the most part, but I have managed to get rid of a few things.  Here's the run down of items I'm trying to sell/get out of my house:

- My TV
- a red rug from some country that has camels
- a little ornate table from my foyer
- an extra coffee pot/maker
- several German Magic the Gathering cards, along with a few english ones
- a Dragon Ball Z CCG deck
- a red vinyl dress (small)
- an off white corset (small)
- a green & black leather medieval corset/vest (medium)
- PS2 guitar for Rock Band or Guitar Hero

I hadn't really considered taking these things to Goodwill because at the time I was going through my belongings, I felt I might either use these things again, or a friend would want them.  After a week I realized this was a stupid mindset.

Some people have given me grief over the decision to get rid of my TV.  It's not a "nice" tv.  It's a few years old, CRT, and only 20".  I have a monitor of the same dimensions, but flat, and I can watch DVD's via my computer.  I don't have cable, and 90% of what I watch is on Netflix.

I no longer have a playstation of any type, so the guitar is useless to me, and I think the rest of the items are understandable things to get rid of.

Unfortunately I've only been able to offload the TV, rug, and - if the person I'm talking to now actually goes through with it - the little foyer table.  Everything else is still there.  I really don't want to give the magic cards away to Goodwill, as I am sure some of them are worth a bit (it's like six decks worth of cards).  Sorting things out for Ebay seems like a pain, but I'm afraid that's what I'll have to do.

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